How does Vero Vine work?

Think of Vero Vine as an anonymous yet trusted source for local consumer information. When you have a good experience with a person, place or local business, or information on an upcoming event, you can share it with others on the Vine and then everyone can benefit.

If you are seeking referrals for a babysitter or household help, you can ask the community through the Vine and get trusted, first hand recommendations. If you are looking for an interesting location to hold your child’s birthday party or a fun place to take kids on a rainy day, you can post on the Vine and receive feedback from fellow community members. If you are a local business owner that is hosting an event or a sale, you can reach the community through a single porthole. The opportunities are endless.

--> Join the conversation in Vero Beach Foodie and 46,600 very active members right now! <--


--> Subscribe to our weekly email and discover all the local events and happenings around the town. Join 26,650 of your neighbors right now! <--


People are already engaging on Facebook, yet the information is not centralized for the community. Vero Vine brings the local Vero Beach community together in one place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contest Winners

Can two members of the same family win in the same contest? Yes. Submissions are made by individuals and therefore are treated as such.

Why do the top voted win mostly the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place prizes? We have found that more often than not, the votes are a good indication of the winner. Next we look at views and if nessesary based on other factors the Vero Vine team will step in to decide from the top 10 most voted. Typically there is a large discrepency between the top 4 and the top 10 and thus votes is the major differenciating factor. If all of the top 10 were close by vote then likely the Vero Vine team would step in to choose the winners.

Submission Approvals

All submissions, photos, events, deals, real estate, are manually approved and can take anywhere from 24-48 hours. Submit.

Contest Voting

Yes, it is working. No, noone can cheat. Our voting system is 100% accourate. We log every single vote in our system, even if doesn’t count. We have an exact log of every submission and every vote and by what IP etc. If you would like us to investigate please give us your IP and we will send you the log for your own review. What is my IP Address?.

How can a submission receive approximately 60-70 votes in about 15-20 minutes? Look at the math behind it all. The sheer magnitude of hundreds of submissions and hundreds of thousands of viewers in a month is more than enough to create such tiny fluctuations in just a single minute of time.

Can people cheat with software? Yes and no. There are programs designed to change your IP but they are cumbersome and not condusive to massive amounts of votes. Furthermore one can purchase proxy IP’s but yet again it would be costly and cumbersome, unless they wrote a program to manage the voting via this leased IP list. There is a process used to detect this type of voting and if detected those submissions are removed. Let’s face it, if someone needs the prize this badly, and are able to trick the system then maybe the are pretty bad off and we should give them the prize. Remember, these contests are for fun, anyone that is taking the contest this seriously is taking it way too far.

Contest Voting Versus Views

How do some photos have less views than votes? Is there someway people bypass a “view” and just vote? Yes, the main contest page you can vote for a submission without viewing the photo page. Direct links and clicks to the photo pages increment the views.

What is Vero Vine?

An online community that provides local information about news, events, businesses, personal recommendations, classified ads and more. More Details.

Is it Free?

Yes, the weekly email, adding a business, adding an event and adding a classified are Free.

How is it Free?

The Vero Vine website offers upgrades for businesses and consumers that help pay for internet, hosting and email related expenses. More Details.

Is Vero Vine on Facebook?

Yes, Vero Vine is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest and Google+.

Why is it Invitation Only?

The extra step during the subscription process is to ensure the security of the community. More Details.

How did Vero Vine get started?

Just like most community organizations, Vero Vine was created out of necessity. One thing led to another and the vine started to grow. More Details.

Are you a Viner?

Viners are members of the Vero Beach Community who are “in the know” They frequently share their community knowledge on Vero Vine, and are the blood of our online grapevine.